Trusted Links

We will try to provide you an updated list of links for accurate and helpful information for your pets. If there is information that you would like links for, please let us know at

  • Behaviour
  • General Pet Information
  • Pet Health Insurance
  • Pet Licensing & Registration
  • Pet Loss & Bereavement
  • Pet Nutrition
  • Pets, Parasites & Human Health Concerns
  • Veterinary Associations


Gentle Leader

The Indoor Pet Initiative
One of the best all-around, invaluable websites. Links environmental factors to behaviour and health.

Pet Health Insurance

Trupanion *Likely the best of the insurance companies at this time.

24PetWatch *Also provides microchipping.

Pet Licensing & Registration

Pet Nutrition

Rayne *Great information on Whole Food Nutrition

Pets, Parasites & Human Health Concerns

Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation – Vital information for you, your family, and your friends

CTV News About Ticks *Video: Dr. Elaine Chin takes a look at how deer ticks cause Lyme disease and at the long-term side effects that can be hazardous to your health.

Heartworm Society

Worms and Germs Blog

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