All About Fleas!


Fleas can cause Allergic Dermatitis, which causes intense itch, which results in hot spots from the dog chewing or scratching the skin. Cats will usually get scabby lesions over the neck and back to the tail (miliary dermatitis). Fleas also transmit tapeworms. You will see the segments of these worms crawling at or around the anus, or in the stools. They are white, about 1/4 inch when fresh, and look just like rice grains when dried up, and can be contagious to people.


The safest and most effective treatments are now available from your vet for the flea months (March to January).

  • The adult female flea lays about 2000 eggs over her lifetime. The eggs fall from your pet’s fur into your house to hatch into larvae.
  • Larvae will live and feed in your pet’s bedding, carpets, upholstered furniture, etc.
  • The pupa emerges from the larvae, and these are incredibly resistant and will live in your house for up to a year.
  • The adult fleas will emerge from the pupae when they are ready, and will immediately seek out a host (your pet or yourself) for a blood meal every 30 minutes! The adult fleas live exclusively on your pet. Once the eggs tumble off your pet, the other two stages of the life cycle (larvae and pupae) live in the environment (your house).

How do we PREVENT and TREAT a flea infestation?

BRAVECTO – 1 Pill every three months (for dogs) or LIQUID (for cats), prevents fleas from multiplying after feeding on your pet. These are non-toxic to animals and people. You must treat all pets in the house. The pills must be given on time and at the end of a good meal. These are mainly helpful when insecticide sprays are not desirable, as with children, pregnancy, asthma, etc.

ADVANTIX & REVOLUTION – Monthly – topical – on the skin. Starts working as soon as the flea comes into contact with your pet. They kill fleas before they have a chance to lay eggs. These are tough on insects but easy on your pet. They shoot nearly 90% of existing adult fleas in just hours and 98-100% within 24 hours. Swimming and regular bathing do not affect the efficacy.