Senior Care

Supporting your aging pet through their golden years with tailored care and monitoring.

While senior status varies according to breed, all dogs eventually become older and require adjustments in their care as they age. Older dogs often suffer from arthritis, vision and hearing changes, gastrointestinal difficulties, dementia, dental problems and host of other issues. These concerns may lead to problems in caring for a senior pet.

When is a dog considered a senior pet?

It depends on the dog size and breed. For example, a Great Dane is considered a senior around age 6-7 years of age while a Yorkie is considered senior around 10-11 years of age.

What are the most common health issues experienced by senior dogs?

Arthritis, changes in liver and kidney function, heart disease, dental disease.

How should I care for my senior dog? (example: schedule a regular checkup, exercise, etc.)

Yearly to twice yearly exams, yearly bloodwork (or more frequent depending on health status), follow vaccination recommendation (senior pets more prone to infectious disease just like senior humans).

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