Fecal Exam

Frequent fecal examinations are essential for discovering and treating intestinal parasites.

What is a cat fecal parasite screen?

A fecal parasite screen is a test of the cat’s feces in order to see if they have a parasitic infection.

What does a fecal parasite screen reveal?

The fecal test will reveal if the cat has a parasitic infection.

How is a fecal parasite screen performed?

The stool is processed, strained and viewed under a microscope for eggs. We do not look for the parasite worm but the eggs that the parasites produce in the feces.

What is the best method for collecting my cat’s stool?

Scoop out the litter box to ensure a clean environment. Check every couple of hours for a fresh sample and place the sample in the container provided by your regular veterinarian. Some clinics will suggest getting three samples, other times one sample will be sufficient. Your veterinarian will be able to tell you what is required for your pet’s specific needs and care.

How much does a cat stool test cost?

Prices vary based on what the testing is for. Please feel free to contact us during the day, 7 days a week for further information.

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